The weather the past two days has been so freaking lovely! Yesterday I sat outside and ate lunch and just people watched. It was great. It was so nice to be outside for a while; recently I feel like all the time I spend outside is just from walking to class to class. Back when I lived at home, my friends and I would go for walks all the time, plus Maria and I had a 20 minute walk to and from school. I definitely want to try and incorporate more walking into my life. Its such an easy and leisurely way to burn more calories, plus I could really used the serotonin!
Another thing that has been going on in my life; recently I have been feeling like I have no sense of style. I mean sure, I don't dress poorly, but there is nothing particularly lovely about the way that I dress. I am almost always wearing skinny jeans, some sort of basic top and a cute pair of shoes. I don't look baddd, but I want to develop really great style. I just don't know where to begin! Here are some styles I have saved on my computer that I am particularly fond of
2. I have no idea where I found this picture!
There are so many others that I love, I just can't find them right now! So this weekend I plan on doing some damage at the mall. But another thing that I have been hating is my hair. I need to learn how to style these lovely locks. That however, I will save for another post!
interesting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
ReplyDeletecara mudah dan sehat membakar lemak di perut,suplemen pembakar lemak tercepat,pengobatan tradisional paru-paru kering,pengobatan tradisional mata bintitan,pengobatan tradisional penyakit hepatoma,pengobatan tradisional kuku cantengan,obat pelebur batu ginjal,cara menyembuhkan alergi seafood,obat adenomyosis tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penurun darah tinggi (hipertensi),cara menghilangkan melasma secara alami,cara mengatasi disfungsi seksual,bahaya penyakit asam urat tinggi bagi kesehatan,cara alami menyembuhkan dermatitis,bahaya penyakit wasir berdarah,pengobatan tradisional multiple myeloma,pengobatan tradisional penyakit gerd,cara mengobati penyakit bronkiektasis,cara meredakan nyeri haid (dismenore),cara alami menyembuhkan cacar api,cara mengobati dermatitis seboroik,cara mengobati penyakit mata konjungtivitis,cara mengobati pneumotraks,cara menyembuhkan batuk rejan,resep mendapatkan tubuh langsing yang ideal,cara mengobati sindrom ovarium polikistik,